
Welcome to Proteus Shield — Protofire's (Glif Nodes) solution for RPC and Subgraphs hosting!

Protofire (Glif Nodes) provide publicly accessible hosted endpoints for Lotus, the most popular client for the Filecoin network. Feel free to make POST requests to this URL using the JSON-RPC model to get started. Please note that if you make requests without authorization, rate-limiting of 100 requests per minute will apply, and will only guarantee access to the latest 2000 blocks.

For extended opportunities like extensive node querying, archival data availability and node customization consider our FREE, GROWTH and DEDICATED plans.

1. HTTPS Endpoints :
HTTPS default (v1)
HTTPS RPC v0 (stable)
HTTPS RPC v1 (unstable)
2. WSS Endpoints :
WSS for Lotus Lite
WSS RPC v0 (stable)
WSS RPC v1 (unstable)
3. Miscellaneous Endpoints :
Open-RPC PlaygroundMainnet PlaygroundCalibnet Playground
CID CheckerMainnet CID CheckerCalibnet CID Checker
State Market Deals DataMainnet StateMarketDeals DataCalibnet StateMarketDeals Data